School Magazine Survey

Click on the link below to let me know what you would like to see in a Music magazine to help me know what to include in a school that people will enjoy to read. Thank You!

Click Here to take survey

Unfortunately, I was only able to get 5 friends to fill out the survey as it would not let anyone fill it out after them, so I just used the results from the 5 participants and these are the results I found below:

The first question I asked was: How old are you ? This is an important question as my target audience would be school children /teenagers from about 11 - 18. So it is important to know what my target audience want as the magazine will be it will be appealing to them. The average age of the participants were 15 which was a perfect age as it was just in between the youngest and oldest students in the school.
The second question I asked was: What ethnicity are you ? This question was not so important to the content of the magazine however gave me an idea of what ethnicity of people may be more likely to read it so could help decide how to keep them ethnicity's reading and also how to get the other ethnicity's involved too. Results showed most were white British, so i was aiming to get other ethnicity's to read the magazine.
The third question I asked was: What gender are you ? This was just for me to see which gender were more likely to read the school magazine to give me an idea on how to appeal to the other gender who did not read it as much or not at all.

The fourth question i asked was: Do the existing school magazines appeal/attract you ? Most either said No or they don't know, this gives me the idea that it does not really attract them otherwise all would have said yes. The ones who replied No, also said they were boring to look at and that the content inside was boring to read also that the front cover did not attract them.
The fifth question I asked was: How often would you like the school magazine to be issued ? This shows that some students wanted it once a week, however most wanted it once a month which i agree with and think is a reasonable answer.
The sixth question I asked was: What attracts you to the front cover of the school magazines ? This would help me when deciding what to include on my front cover as to what my audience would like to see. The results are shown below.

This shows that most of the students are interesting more in the pictures of students, which I too believe does look appealing to a school magazine as the students are a major part of the school. It also gives the students a chance to see their friends or own pictures in a magazine which would be exciting for them. This was closely followed by colour which is very important in a front cover as it should stand out and look attractive especially when it is aimed at children. The participants also chose that school pictures, writing and content was also important to attract and appeal to the audience on the front cover. Participants wrote they would like to see nice effects, an image that stands out and a cover that should say "LOOK AT ME".
The seventh question I asked was: On a scale of 1-10 how interesting and important do you rate the following: 1 being the least 10 being the most. I asked this question so i would know what in the school magazine attracts the students the most, so I too could appeal to them and also improve on the bits they said where not as interesting to make them bit more interesting. Results showed that most important was front cover, which mostly is the case as the front cover is what makes you either pick up the magazine to read it or not. The least important voted was reviews, as it is for young teenagers it is understandable that they do not like reading allot so the part with most writing is least liked. The rest of the results are shown below.

The eighth question I asked was What else would you like to see in school magazines ? I asked this to help me find out what else I could include in the school magazine to appeal to my audience and what they would want to see in it so I could add extra bits in.

The image above says it all, in a school magazine students would like to see opportunities for youths, chances to win money and prizes, Stuff about fashion and music, Games, Quiz section - such as sudoku, crosswords.
The ninth question I asked was Would you like to take part and be involved in the making of the school magazine ? Mostly all participants answered Yes, this shows they actually are interested in the school magazine and if it was more interested they probably would read it more.

This all gives me a rough idea of what my target audience would like to see in the school magazine and what I should include or take into consideration when making my own.


Mr Kenny said...

Your blog is looking great Selin - well done.

You need to begin to finalise your ideas for the cover now. Have you got photos ready for the lesson tomorrow?

Selin 22 said...

Yeah, I took new close up photos and have chosen the ones I think are best to use, so im ready to add them into my front cover.

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Some Things I Could Include Inside The Magazine
