Design Ideas For Front Cover

I continued testing Photoshop and trying new ideas and styles of a school magazine, the image below is one of my design ideas i had for a school magazine.

I started by having a simple plain black background. Then added an image of the school background into it, by putting the opacity down it blending the image into the background, also by adding a special effect i found on Photoshop it make it look more creative and attractive.

My next stage was to make the main " Fortismania " text and by adding an blur effect around it to make it like a magazine logo. Then I added the other texts on the top and bottom sides which I added a black box under to make the writing stand out more as it was a smaller text. The 1st issue logo was just an shape made on Photoshop, filled in with colour and added text to.

The bar code as the bottom, is another font which I download as I was then able to write what I wanted on it, as I wrote " free issue 001" this makes it look more realistic and also avoids copyright from other magazines.


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Some Things I Could Include Inside The Magazine
